Whilst our work is strictly in fused glass art and glass splashbacks, we really are into anything design based and as design fanatics, we used to love the show Changing Rooms that used to be on the BBC. We’re sure you know which show we’re talking about, it was the do-it-yourself home improvement show that saw two couples swap houses and each decorate a room in the other’s home. It was great! They had designers on hand, advising and helping out, but sometimes they did go a little OTT and the show ended in tears and tantrums. We really only matched it for the design tips though, honest…
But the good news is that it’s back! Called The Great Interior Design Challenge, it’s in a slightly different format and will see 12, wannabe interior designers let loose on homes, volunteered by the public. The decorators will have limited funds and the show is hoping to mirror the success of The Great British Bake Off. We hope the trendy new designers will hop on the fused glass art bandwagon and use some when decorating the houses!
Our fused glass art has already been showcased on Grand Designs and Home Gift, so we’d love to see our work in this new series too! And because we can create bespoke fused glass art to any specification, they designers in the new show could be as bold as they wanted. We’ve already started thinking about designs! Hopefully it wouldn’t end up being another old-school Changing Room disaster; not with our fused glass art surely.
Fused glass art is becoming more and more popular and is an excellent alternative to traditional pieces of art. It’s great because you can put it in places that wouldn’t be suitable for traditional pieces such as the kitchen and bathroom. The steam and humidity in these rooms can be damaging to art work – but not fused glass art!
For more information on our fused glass art products and designs, contact us today