Have you been looking for glass splashbacks Scotland-wide and beyond? If so, this particular post in our blog is one that you should definitely make some time to read. At the very least, make sure you have a gander at this especially lovely looking splashback that rolled out of our kiln a little while ago. We still remember the day we delivered it, and the look on the customer’s face when they received it!
The main design is a beautiful Dalaman style created with a bespoke touch and made to blend in perfectly with its environment. We utilised the colours found in the blinds nearby to unify the kitchen under a single theme, as the otherwise neutral kitchen didn’t have much colour to speak of. That really works in this instance, however, as it usually does when there’s a fused glass splashback to provide an injection of exciting colour and unique design. Not only does it make the room look incredible, but it provides a centrepiece that really stands out and makes a big statement. You can see that effect in full force here – where do your eyes go when you see the image above?
Of course, glass splashbacks work best when they have a little something extra to really take everything to that next level. This piece came with complementary panels on either side which accented the entire style beautifully, creating a subtle but noticeable aesthetic that the room wouldn’t be the same without!
If you’re in the market for the very best glass splashbacks Scotland has to offer, then you’ve definitely come to the right place! We here at The House of Ugly Fish have a passion for creating gorgeous, fully bespoke works of art that are hand made and personalised just. There’s absolutely no reason not to get in contact if what we have is just the thing you’ve been looking for. You can find our full details right here on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!