Now, this is a fused glass art installation that really speaks for itself! We’ll give you a moment to look it over and have a think about whether you like it or love it, but we’re more than happy to share a few details about it.
As you can see, this gorgeous fused glass art sits just above the counter tops in an equally great looking Harrogate kitchen. The design features a beautiful beach scene in which a figure walks alongside their dog, with the tide lightly washing up against the beach. You can see grass lining the bottom of the image, giving anyone who views it the impression that they’re viewing the scene from a distance – perhaps on a hill not too far from the beach itself.
This splashback looks incredible, effortlessly grabbing all the right kinds of attention, but it also tells a story that’s personal to the customers. That story is now forever preserved in glass, which means a lot to us and no doubt to the people who are lucky enough to view this piece every day. When all was said and done, they were certainly over the moon with it. We’d love to have the opportunity to create something like this again, hopefully with some of your very own ideas!
Whether you’re looking to get something as compact as a matching set of drinks coasters or the grandest wall installation, the perfect piece of fused glass art is just waiting to find a place in your home! Why wait to get in touch with The House of Ugly Fish if you know that our unique brand of decoration is just the thing for you? You can find our full contact details online, so make sure you don’t wait to do just that! We can’t wait to get started on something truly special.