Here’s a very recent work of ours, featuring glass panels in Harrogate that we just had to share with you. It’s a job that was incredibly rewarding, and it shows off just how versatile fused glass art can be!

This fused glass art in particular evokes the image of stained glass in an original and very unique way!

A bespoke process was a crucial starting point to ensure everything would work when put in place. As a result, the design of each piece was made to match, and it shows. The pieces go together perfectly, building on a base of deep blue in order to create a gorgeous visual spectacle. Look closely, and you’ll be able to see a wide palette being utilised! From warm hues such as red and orange all the way to subtle green accents, yellow flairs and even a little bit of cream, there’s a bit of everything at work here. Geometric shapes of all sizes and styles make up the main body of each piece, providing a very colourful, modern edge to this beautifully traditional space.

These pieces are a feast for the eyes, and they were certainly a lot of fun to bring to life. If you’ve got your very own ideas for what you want your own fused glass art to look like, then don’t be shy! There’s never been a better time to invest in your very own glass, and we’re in full swing down here at The House of Ugly Fish. The creative juices are flowing, and our kilns are fired up. Hopefully, the next piece that rolls out of our workshop will be one for your home!

Make sure you don’t wait to pick up the phone and get in contact as soon as you can! We’re always ready and waiting to bring your perfect piece of glass to life, with an incredible selection of fused glass art to suit your fancy. Pick from a wide variety of splashbacks, wall art installations, lights, windows and more! No matter what, you’re guaranteed to get your hands on something that’s bespoke, uniquely personalised just for you and one-hundred percent full of character. Our full contact details can be found right here on our website.