Today’s blog is dedicated to a particular bespoke fused glass art design of ours. Can you guess which one?
Well, the image above might be giving it away already! The Wave design is an enduring favourite both for our customers and for the team here at The House of Ugly Fish. It’s a versatile style that can work at any scale, looking great no matter if it’s adorning a set of small drinks coasters or spanning across the largest glass wall art panels. In much the same way, just about any combination of colours (or lack thereof!) can look fantastic when paired with the undulating waves of the design.
One particular favourite of ours is when a Wave design is combined with a glass installation that utilises multiple panels – for example, when a central kitchen splashback is married to surrounding pieces that continue the design out from the cooker and around the back walls of the room. With each panel joining seamlessly onto the next one along, the waving lines continue unbroken and give the effect of one big design. It’s always a breathtaking sight!
Because of the way that colours overlap, a Wave design works especially well when light is involved. This can be in the form of a fused glass window, door panel, or even one of our very own Rospo lights. When each strip is lit up, it creates a kaleidoscope-like effect and can even project beautiful wavy lines of colour throughout a room.
We here at The House of Ugly Fish stand ready to create gorgeous bespoke fused glass art, no matter what shape or size your ideal piece might take. Whether you’re looking for a Wave design just like the piece heading this blog, or something else entirely, let us know. When you invest in a piece of fused glass art, the end result is always guaranteed to be something unique that takes your breath away. Our full contact details can be found right here on our website, so don’t be shy!